Reparación del tanque de gas

since 1969

how to fix your issue
with j-b weldStar

  • Step 1: Locate the leak and mark it with a pencil

  • Step 2: Clean the area around the leak. Use the sandpaper to sand the tank, covering a few inches around the leak. Take it down to bare metal. The sanding does two things - cleans any paint, rust, and road grime from the gas tank repair area, as well as gives the epoxy something to grab onto. It works better than smooth metal.

  • Step 3: Spray the area with the cleaner and wipe it down. Repeat as needed.

  • Step 4: Cut off an amount of SteelStik that you think will cover the repair. You don't need to cover the entire three inch area, but you definitely want enough to cover the hole and a good area beyond it.

  • Step 5: Knead SteelStik to mix the two colors uniformly. The color should be a dark gray.

  • Step 6: Once mixed, clean the area to be repaired again, wipe it dry and immediately press the putty into the center of the hole.

  • Step 7: Work the putty flat against the tank, ensuring the hole is sealed. You want the putty to be smooth and flat over the hole.

  • Step 8: Allow the SteelStik to fully harden and cure before driving the car, at least one hour.

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